Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
View of Pidgeon and Turret Peaks from the Saddle
Moxies take a snack break, ©Lillian Tucker
Mary Ann pulls out her camera at Mt View Crest
Pidgeon & Turret Peak
Ruby Lake in Needle Creek Valley
Glenda Touches Pidgeon Peak
Lillian Touches Pidgeon Peak
Toby and Mary Ann on the ridge
Toby & Mary Ann head up the ridge to the first rise
Julie Touches Pidgeon Peak (photo by Glenda Ehrig)
Candy gets in on the action
Mary Ann, Toby, Glenda and Lillian enjoy lunch on the ridge
Snow remains in the gully
Moss Campion and other wildflowers with Ruby Lake Below
Narrow ridge overlook
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Remaining Snow in the Gully
Old Man of the Mountain
Old Man of the Mountain
Looking into Needle Creek and Ruby Lake
Ruby Lake in Needle Creek
Rocky Outcroppings frame Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Mary Ann, Toby & Glenda on the trail
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks in Black & White
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Ridge covered with Wildflowers
Gentian Flowers
Purple Gentian
Purple Gentian
Gentian and Orange Paintbrush
Connie Market has a great eye and gets the shot
Meadow of Gentian
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
View of Pidgeon and Turret Peaks from the Saddle
Moxies take a snack break, ©Lillian Tucker
Mary Ann pulls out her camera at Mt View Crest
Pidgeon & Turret Peak
Ruby Lake in Needle Creek Valley
Glenda Touches Pidgeon Peak
Lillian Touches Pidgeon Peak
Toby and Mary Ann on the ridge
Toby & Mary Ann head up the ridge to the first rise
Julie Touches Pidgeon Peak (photo by Glenda Ehrig)
Candy gets in on the action
Mary Ann, Toby, Glenda and Lillian enjoy lunch on the ridge
Snow remains in the gully
Moss Campion and other wildflowers with Ruby Lake Below
Narrow ridge overlook
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Remaining Snow in the Gully
Old Man of the Mountain
Old Man of the Mountain
Looking into Needle Creek and Ruby Lake
Ruby Lake in Needle Creek
Rocky Outcroppings frame Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Mary Ann, Toby & Glenda on the trail
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks in Black & White
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Pidgeon and Turret Peaks
Ridge covered with Wildflowers
Gentian Flowers
Purple Gentian
Purple Gentian
Gentian and Orange Paintbrush
Connie Market has a great eye and gets the shot
Meadow of Gentian