Black Bear Road-Moxie Hike
Moxie Hiking Group on Black Bear Road
Spence (Marianne) takes in the views
Moxies hiking up Black Bear Road
Moxies hiking Black Bear Road
Jeff Johnson and Julie Stone
Jeff & Jane Marie Johnson
Margaret and one of her best friends
Black Bear Road frozen Pond
Hiking Black Bear Road toward the Pass
Black Bear Road Frozen Pond
Candy can't understand how she got so far behind😀
Wildflowers near frozen pond
Looking Towards Black Bear Pass
The Moxie's stop for a quick snack
The Bush Family: Candy, Josie & Greg
There is still lots of snow near Black Bear Pass
Mary Peil enjoys the "sky pilot" wildflowers
Moxies continue hiking up to the pass
Candy leads Jane Marie, Delores, Spence & Barbara towards the pass
Candy is excited to see all the snow near the pass
Laurie & Delores hiking up to the pass
Laurie, Barbara & Delores
Black Bear Road near the pass
Finally, the Moxies arrive at Black Bear Pass
Moxies at Black Bear Pass 12,840'
Moxies at Black Bear Pass 12,840'
This photo is for Barbara Larson's mom. (Hi Mom, I made it to the top!)
Moxie Lunch Stop on Black Bear Pass
Pond near Black Bear Road
Kings Crown and Waterfalls on Black Bear Road