Barbara Larson successfully tackled leading the Moxies on a hike that we all love but dread to due the fact we always get lost and its a long drive on a rutty gravel ground. I'm not sure how many leaders we really had on this hike but we all had our maps and opinions in effort to make sure we stayed on the correct route. Once we reached the saddle and the first rise up the ridge this hike rewarded us with some of the most dramatic views in Colorado. Pidgeon and Turret Peaks loomed within reach while Ruby and Emerald Lakes laid quietly below in Needle Creek Valley. For the first time in weeks we were able to enjoy the day without threat of stormy weather. With that being said, I still did not get to sit and enjoy my lunch. So, I hope you all enjoy these posts because I am starving to death because of getting the photos for them. Our Moxie team consisted of Barbara, Mary Ann, Glenda, Candy, Lillian, Laurie, Toby, Connie and myself. We all agreed that this was the most enjoyable and easiest day of hiking Mountain View Crest as we did not get lost and although tired everyone made it home safe and sound.

Pidgeon and Turret Peaks

View of Pidgeon and Turret Peaks from the Saddle

Moxies take a snack break, ©Lillian Tucker

Mary Ann pulls out her camera at Mt View Crest

Pidgeon & Turret Peak

Ruby Lake in Needle Creek Valley

Glenda Touches Pidgeon Peak

Lillian Touches Pidgeon Peak

Toby and Mary Ann on the ridge

Toby & Mary Ann head up the ridge to the first rise

Julie Touches Pidgeon Peak (photo by Glenda Ehrig)

Candy gets in on the action

Mary Ann, Toby, Glenda and Lillian enjoy lunch on the ridge

Snow remains in the gully

Moss Campion and other wildflowers with Ruby Lake Below

Narrow ridge overlook

Pidgeon and Turret Peaks

Remaining Snow in the Gully

Old Man of the Mountain

Old Man of the Mountain

Looking into Needle Creek and Ruby Lake

Ruby Lake in Needle Creek

Rocky Outcroppings frame Pidgeon and Turret Peaks

Mary Ann, Toby & Glenda on the trail

Pidgeon and Turret Peaks in Black & White

Pidgeon and Turret Peaks

Pidgeon and Turret Peaks

Ridge covered with Wildflowers

Gentian Flowers

Purple Gentian

Purple Gentian

Gentian and Orange Paintbrush

Connie Market has a great eye and gets the shot